Friday 28 February 2020

Is your furnace making weird sounds? Don't ignore them!

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When performing gas furnace repairs throughout Doylestown, PA, and the surrounding communities, our technicians frequently speak with clients who report strange noises coming from their furnace. Let's take a look at three of the most problematic furnace noises that you should never ignore.

3 Strange Furnace Sounds You Should Not Ignore

1. High-Pitched Squealing Sound

High-pitched squealing sounds could be a sign of various issues, but it generally means something needs to be fixed or replaced. If you have old, worn parts such as a frayed blower belt or a shoddy blower motor, they can cause a high-pitched squealing sound in addition to structural damage in your furnace, which could mean major repairs. When caught early, this is generally an easy fix, but it is best to act sooner rather than later.

2. Metallic Scraping Sound

If you hear scraping noises coming from your furnace — particularly the sound of metal parts scraping together — at least one part may be loose, and that's an issue that must be addressed immediately. There could be an issue with your blower wheel. If your blower wheel is malfunctioning or broken, your furnace will not be able to heat your home properly, if at all. You should seek help from a service technician if you are having any issues with your blower wheel.

3. Loud Popping or Banging

There are a few fairly common explanations for loud "popping" or "banging" sounds coming from a furnace. If your furnace burners are dirty, that is one potential cause of these noises. When dirt builds up on the burners of your furnace, ignition can be delayed, causing an excessive amount of gas to build up — and when the burners eventually ignite, the loud "popping" or "banging" sound is the result of a tiny explosion. These combustions can cause considerable damage to your heating unit, so talk to a professional as soon as possible if you are hearing these noises.

5 Reasons Why Your Furnace is Making Noise

  1. Burns are dirty: loud booming sounds can be a result of dirty burners. It is the sound of gas buildup.
  2. Broken blower wheel: a broken blower wheel can cause a metal scraping sound. If this is the case, the blower wheel will most likely need to be replaced.
  3. Unbalanced blower wheel: it's possible for a piece of paper or tissue to get sucked into the air duct, which can unbalance the blower wheel and cause an unusual sound.
  4. Cracked heat exchanger: clicking sounds can be caused by the metal heating up and the cracks in a cracked heat exchanger.
  5. Air leak: a leak in the air duct system could cause unusual sounds from the escaping air.

Whether you need full-blown furnace repairs in Doylestown, PA, or you simply need basic furnace maintenance in Mt Laurel, NJ, you can count on the experts at Drew's Crew Heating & Air to deliver affordable and efficient solutions. To schedule an appointment for us to check out a noisy furnace, contact us today!